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Health Benefits of Coffee

It is becoming apparent to researchers that for most people, coffee drinking may have certain health benefits. Donald Hensrud, M.D., a specialist in preventative medicine at Mayo Clinic says that despite the long history of getting blamed for all kinds of things, the moderate use of coffee on a daily basis may have some role in reducing the risk of various diseases. (source: livestrong.com)
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Nutrition and healthy eating: What does the research say about coffee and health? Is coffee good or bad for me?

Cafe Avenue Coffees

Coffee has a long history of being blamed for many ills β€” from the humorous "It will stunt your growth" to the not-so-humorous claim that it causes heart disease and cancer. But recent research indicates that coffee may not be so bad after all. So which is it β€” good or bad? (source: mayoclinic.com)
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Coffee Health Benefits: Coffee may protect against disease

It's surprising when something that was once considered questionable for your health turns out to have health benefits, usually with the proviso to use it β€œin moderation.” That happened with chocolate and alcohol, and now it is coffee's turn, reports the February issue of the Harvard Health Letter. (source: health.harvard.edu)
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7 Health Benefits of Coffee

Studies show that we may be benefitting from more than just the energy-boosting caffeine in coffee -- we might also be reaping its cancer-preventing and depression-lowering effects, just to name a couple. (source: huffingtonpost.com)
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Good News in the Daily Grind

Your coffee may have some Health Perks, but can brew trouble in people with certain conditions. (source: wsj.com)
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